This is an open call for a generation of designers in an age of the Uncomfortable.
Feeling awkward, nervous, or uneasy? As young designers, we are wrestling with numerous uncomfortable responsibilities: dismantling architectural legacies, challenging traditional paradigms, grappling with the costs of comfort, responding to ecological concerns. Our many discomforts range in scale, context, and urgency.
The 2023 Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers asks entrants to examine the Uncomfortable. From climate change to labor practices, the sources of our discomfort demand both critical reflection and collective imagination. Are you restless within the discipline’s status quo? How do you respond to discomfort? Whose comfort matters?
We invite practices to demonstrate how they find comfort within the unconventional, discover opportunity within crisis, and use the Uncomfortable as a design tool.
Esta es una convocatoria abierta para una generación de diseñadores en la era de lo Incómodo.
¿Te sientes estresada, nerviose, intranquilo? Como jóvenes diseñadores luchamos con varias responsabilidades incómodas: desmantelar los legados de la arquitectura que nos precede, retar los paradigmas tradicionales, encarar los costos del confort, responder a preocupaciones ecológicas… Nuestros muchos malestares varían en escala, contexto y urgencia.
El Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers convoca a los concursantes que examinen lo Incómodo. Desde el cambio climático hasta las prácticas laborales, las fuentes de nuestro malestar requieren tanto de reflexión autocrítica como de imaginación colectiva. ¿Estás inquiete dentro del status quo de la disciplina? ¿Cómo responder al malestar mediante los proyectos arquitectónicos? ¿Quienes son aquellos cuya comodidad importa?
Invitamos a tú práctica a demostrar cómo encuentra bienestar en lo no-convencional, descubre oportunidades en situaciones de crisis y usa lo incómodo como herramienta de diseño.
Established in 1981 to recognize visionary work by young practitioners, the Architectural League Prize is an annual competition, lecture series, and exhibition organized by The Architectural League and its Young Architects + Designers Committee.
The theme was developed by the 2023 Young Architects + Designers Committee, which included recent League Prize winners Jose Amozurrutia, Germane Barnes, and Jennifer Bonner.
The jury included the committee in addition to Barbara Bestor, Wonne Ickx, Kyle Miller, and Tya Winn.
Digital Exhibition
Winners will create installations of their work onsite in a location of their choice or in an entirely digital format, all of which will be presented in an online exhibition on opening June 13.
Online Lecture Series
The lecture series will be held on Thursday evenings starting June 15 on Zoom. Each evening will consist of an introduction, lectures by two winning firms, and a moderated Q&A.
Lectures begin at 6:30 p.m. EDT. Admission is free and advance registration via Zoom is required.
Miles Gertler of Common Accounts
Sarah Aziz and Lindsey Krug
Moderated by Jose Amozurrutia
Daisy Ames of Studio Ames
Sean Canty of Studio Sean Canty
Moderated by Jose Amozurrutia
Katie MacDonald and Kyle Schumann of After Architecture
Joseph Altshuler and Zack Morrison of Could Be Design
Moderated by Germane Barnes
Graphic identity by Pentagram.
The Architectural League Prize is made possible by JUDLOWE, Tischler und Sohn, and Delta Millworks.