Climate Change
The relocation of Taro Island
As rising seas threaten the Solomon Islands, one community is planning a move to higher ground.
Torkwase Dyson: Distance and perception in the wake of climate change
Interdisciplinary artist Torkwase Dyson speaks on race, sustainability, and access to equitable space.
Françoise Vergès: Capitalocene, waste, race, and gender
Françoise Vergès discusses environmental history (and violence) in the context of racial domination and colonial extractivism.
A conversation on race and climate change
A panel discusses race, sustainability, and the intersection of the two.
MODU lecture
Phu Hoang and Rachely Rotem talk about their work in this April 2019 video.
April 2, 2019
Distance and perception in the wake of climate change | Capitalocene, waste, race, and gender – An evening with Torkwase Dyson and Françoise Vergès
MODU wants you to think about the weather
For MODU Architecture, blurring the boundaries between indoors and out is a means of encouraging reflection on climate change and public space.