Climate Change
Empowering architects to take on carbon
The design community needs a robust toolkit of decarbonization strategies that all practitioners can use, argues KieranTimberlake's Stephanie Carlisle.
Alan Organschi: Building a global carbon sink
Large-scale engineered wood products offer the possibility of turning cities into carbon sinks, Organschi posits.
Rethinking form and function for a warming planet
Architects face significant hurdles to taking on climate change, says Atelier Ten's Nico Kienzl—but there are also exciting opportunities.
Kiel Moe: Climate change, architecture change
We must alter basic assumptions about architecture in order to address the key challenges of this century, Moe asserts.
How can firms address the climate crisis? Here’s Grimshaw’s take
Dr. Paul Toyne, a sustainability expert at Grimshaw, discusses the firm's Climate Emergency Taskforce.
Michelle Addington: Sustainability reset
Are architects proceeding from the wrong premise and solving the wrong problems in their approach to climate change?
Architecture as energy source
The built environment is colliding with the power grid, creating powerful opportunities for decarbonization, says Blueprint Power's Robyn Beavers.