Left: Colloqate | Rendering of Claiborne Cultural Innovation District, New Orleans, LA. Credit: Bryan C. Lee, Jr. Right: MODU | Cloud Seeding, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2015. Credit: Aviad Bar Ness
The Architectural League’s annual Emerging Voices program spotlights North American architects, landscape architects, and urban designers who have significant bodies of realized work and the potential to influence their field.
Join us for lectures by two 2019 Emerging Voices.
Colloqate was founded in 2017 by Bryan C. Lee, Jr. and Sue Mobley. The New Orleans-based firm describes itself as “a multidisciplinary nonprofit design justice practice focused on expanding community access to, and building power through, the design of public, civic, and cultural spaces.” Recent projects include Design Justice, a multi-pronged initiative to address
injustice in the built environment, and Claiborne Cultural Innovation District, a 19-block transformation of space beneath an elevated expressway.
After several years of collaborating as solo practitioners, Phu Hoang and Rachely Rotem launched Brooklyn firm MODU in 2012. Much of their work addresses climate change through a design approach Hoang and Rotem describe as “indoor urbanism.” They write: “Architecture is not simply the middle scale of the built environment, but the space where the urban and interior scales intersect. Merging these two opposing scales prompts the borders around architecture to recede, which can change everyday attitudes about the environment.” Recent projects include the plaza pavilions Outdoor Room in Shanghai and Cloud Seeding in Tel Aviv, both of which draw attention to the movement and condition of the cities’ air quality.
Emerging Voices is generously supported by Elise Jaffe + Jeffrey Brown. The Emerging Voices program is also supported by the Next Generation Fund of The Architectural League. Architectural League programs are additionally supported, in part, by public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.