Sites of Interpretation | The Africatown International Design Idea Competition
Renee Kemp-Rotan profiles sites and buildings central to Africatown’s story.
Racialization of Space and Spatialization of Race
Craig Wilkins and Renee Kemp-Rotan argue for an embrace of Black identity and design traditions in Africatown.
In the Mahoning Valley, Ohio
Editors Quilian Riano and Kristen Zeiber and report contributors Helen Liggett, Gary Honeywood, and Matt Martin present the report In the Mahoning Valley and discuss key themes and findings.
Rivers Continue on, and the Mahoning is No Exception
Charles Frederick takes us on a journey down the Mahoning River.
Field Notes: The Mahoning River as Urban Reinvention
Quilian Riano explores efforts to remove industrial dams in Northeast Ohio
Building a Better Warren
A Warren, Ohio nonprofit creates high-quality local jobs in the construction sector.
A City Built by Hand
Helen Liggett documents how residents of Youngstown and Warren are reimagining vacant land.
In the Mahoning Valley
Quilian Riano writes about the Mahoning Valley’s history of industrial growth and decline.
Brownsville Undercurrents, Texas
Editors Lizzie MacWillie, Jesse Miller, Josué Ramirez and report contributors Amanda Davé, Zoraima Diaz-Pineda, Edna Ledesma and ChristinaMaria Xochitlzihuatl Patiño Houle present the report Brownsville Undercurrents and discuss key themes and findings.
The Threat of Fracked Gas Exports in the Rio Grande Valley
Bekah Hinojosa campaigns against the development of fracked gas pipelines and terminals.