
Rodrigo Escandón Cesarman



Ana Miljački speaks with Rodrigo Escandón Cesarman and Guillermo Gonzalez Ceballos of Mexico City-based practice APRDELESP about their case studies, the creation of architectural institutions, and designing appealing “spaces of encounter.”

Audio July 19, 2024

League Prize 2021: Night 2

The second in a three-part online lecture series featuring the 2021 winners with Tei Carpenter of Agency–Agency and Rodrigo Escandón Cesarman and Ricardo Roxo Matias of APRDELESP.

Video October 12, 2021

El menú del día

Para APRDELESP, operar una red de espacios comerciales y culturales en Ciudad de México es una oportunidad para repensar sus prácticas como diseñadores.

Interview October 12, 2021

The Menu of the Day

For APRDELESP, running a network of commercial and cultural spaces in Mexico City offers the chance to rethink design practice.

Interview September 28, 2021