League Prize 1989: Public Work

Established in 1981 to recognize visionary work by young practitioners, The Architectural League Prize is an annual competition, lecture series, and exhibition led by the League and its Young Architects + Designers Committee.

Architecture changes things. A line becomes a wall, a plan becomes a building, a sketch becomes a city. Our individual theories become community realities. At times we realize stunning success; at times, dismal failure. Yet, as architects and designers we continue to propose modifications, revisions, improvements, change.

This year’s theme, Public Work, sought to recognize work that combines individual expression and public improvement. The theme addressed our inherent responsibility to our community and the challenge that places on our art.

Winners included:

  • Ann Cederna & Douglas Frederick
  • Sheila Kennedy & Frano Violich
  • David Kessler, Tim Schollaert
  • John Randolph & Bruce Tomb
  • Tim Swischuk
  • Glenn Weiss & Peter Shinoda

The theme was developed by the 1989 Young Architects + Designers Committee, which comprised past League Prize winners Matthew Bialecki, Sophia Gruzdys, and Yann Leroy.

The jury included Jonathan Barnett, Victoria Geibel, Frances Halsband, and Steven Holl.

More from past League Prize winners

LANZA Atelier lecture

Isabel Martínez Abascal and Alessandro Arienzo present their League Prize installation and other work.