American Roundtable Theme


A New World

Carol Hsiung sketches life in lockdown in a New Jersey suburb.

Visual Essay September 1, 2020

Empty / Full

Evan Parness documents the streets of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the summer of 2020.

Visual Essay August 28, 2020

New Grounds for Design Education

A roundtable discussion with student and alumni organizers from 15 design schools on their efforts to combat racism and encourage inclusion.

Video August 10, 2020

League Prize 2020: Night 1

The first in a three-part online lecture series featuring the 2020 winners with Ivi Diamantopoulou and Jaffer Kolb of New Affiliates and Luis Beltrán del Río García and Andrew Sosa Martínez of Vrtical.

Video August 4, 2020