League Prize 2024: Office Party, Partners of Place

Presentations and conversation with two winners of the 2024 Architectural League Prize for Young Architects + Designers.

October 21, 2024

Recorded on June 27, 2024.

In this video, Chase Galis, Christina Moushoul, and Sonia Sobrino Ralston of Office Party and Rayshad Dorsey, Joseph James, Diego Zubizarreta Otero, Julian Owens, and Michael Urueta of Partners of Place discuss their practices and projects. The presentations are followed by a moderated discussion and audience Q&A with 2024 Young Architects + Designers Committee member Sarah Aziz. Aziz is an assistant professor of architecture at the University of New Mexico. 

Founded in 2021, Office Party is led by Chase Galis, Christina Moushoul, and Sonia Sobrino Ralston. The research and design collective produces temporary events, installations, and exhibitions internationally that investigate “the role of parties and similar ephemeral spaces as the origin of complex social and material networks with urban, political, and environmental effects,” in the firm’s own words. In addition to live events, Office Party publishes written and editorial work, such as the collective’s journal Party Planner, further exploring the concept of parties with interdisciplinary collaborators across media formats.

Partners of Place was established in 2023 by its five core members: Rayshad Dorsey, Joseph James, Diego Zubizarreta Otero, Julian Owens, and Michael Urueta. The research, ideation, and design collective focuses on issues of social and environmental equity. Partners of Place’s speculative designs imagine a more inclusive future. Throughout their projects, the collective proposes interventions into the built environment contextualized by the social sciences, using techniques of data visualization, historical mapping, and storytelling.