feminist architecture collaborative: it’s us, f-architecture
The three women behind the feminist architecture collaborative lecture on their work.
July 2, 2019
Recorded on June 21, 2019.
In 2019, feminist architecture collaborative won the League Prize, which celebrates young architects and designers. Virginia Black, Gabrielle Printz, and Rosana Elkhatib presented their work as part of the associated lecture series.
In this video, they discuss projects including:
Bryony Roberts, who served on the 2019 League Prize jury, introduces the lecture.
Women in American Architecture: A Historic and Contemporary Perspective
A 1977 exhibition showcased the range and quality of women’s work in the fields of architecture, planning, and design.
Feminism and architecture
In this lecture video, Susana Torre outlines the powerful, yet often ignored or misunderstood, influence of feminism on architecture and urban planning.
Tillers of the horizon: Projecting public spaces by women in post-conflict Rwanda
Yutaka Sho explores how Rwandan communities are turning petrochemical waste into affordable and high-performance houses.