October 24, 2012
Recorded on April 28, 2012.
In April 2012, the League presented Beneath and Beyond Big Data, a symposium (co-organized by Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, and Mark Shepard) celebrating the publication of the final issue in the Situated Technologies pamphlets series. The half-day event addressed current issues surrounding situated technologies and the increasing entanglement of data, technology, and the built environment, and identified future trajectories for their evolution.
The afternoon began with a conversation between pamphlet authors Helen Nissenbaum and Kazys Varnelis, moderated by Trebor Scholz, addressing the redefinition of privacy in the age of big data and the networked, geo-spatial environment, and questioning the implications for the construction of contemporary subjectivity.
Helen Nissenbaum is a professor of media, culture and communication, as well as computer science, at New York University, where she is also senior faculty fellow of the Information Law Institute. Her book Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life accounts for privacy threats posed by IT and digital medial systems in terms of the theory of contextual integrity. She is co-author, with Kazys Varnelis, of Situated Technologies Pamphlet 9: Modulated Cities: Networked Spaces, Reconstituted Subjects.
Kazys Varnelis is the director of the Network Architecture Lab at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. He is editor of books including Networked Publics, The Infrastructural City: Networked Ecologies in Los Angeles, and The Philip Johnson Tapes. He is co-author, with Helen Nissenbaum, of Situated Technologies Pamphlet 9: Modulated Cities: Networked Spaces, Reconstituted Subjects.
Trebor Scholz is a scholar, artist, organizer, and chair of the conference series The Politics of Digital Culture at The New School, where he also teaches in the department of culture and media studies. Scholz is co-organizer of the Situated Technologies project and is co-author, with Laura Y. Liu, of Situated Technologies Pamphlet 7: From Mobile Playgrounds to Sweatshop City.
The Living lecture
David Benjamin of The Living discusses his work as part of the Emerging Voices lecture series.
Deirdre Lord on making energy data accessible
Deirdre Lord, cofounder of The Megawatt Hour, on bringing transparency to utility bills.
Nat Oppenheimer lecture
Structural engineer Nat Oppenheimer, executive vice president of Silman, discusses three of the firm's projects.