October 24, 2012
Recorded on April 28, 2012.
On April 28, 2012, the League presented Beneath and Beyond Big Data, a symposium (co-organized by Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, and Mark Shepard) celebrating the publication of the final issue in the Situated Technologies pamphlets series. The half-day event addressed current issues surrounding situated technologies and the increasing entanglement of data, technology, and the built environment, and identified future trajectories for their evolution.
In the second session of the day, Usman Haque, Natalie Jeremijenko, Laura Kurgan, and Mark Shepard presented a series of case studies on open data and the process of making data public, focusing on distributed sensing initiatives and contrasting them with centralized programs managed by government agencies.
Presentation by Laura Kurgan
Laura Kurgan is Associate Professor of Architecture at the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, where she is director of the Spatial Information Design Lab and the director of visual sStudies. Her recent research includes a multi-year SIDL project on “million-dollar blocks” and the urban costs of the American incarceration experiment, and a collaborative exhibition on global migration and climate change.
Presentation by Natalie Jeremijenko
Natalie Jeremijenko directs the xdesign Environmental Health Clinic at New York University. Previously she was on the visual arts faculty at UCSD and the faculty of engineering at Yale. Her project with The Living, “Amphibious Architecture,” was one of five commissioned for the Architectural League exhibition, Toward the Sentient City.
Presentation by Usman Haque
Usman Haque is the director of Haque Design + Research Ltd, which specializes in the design and research of interactive architecture systems. He is also founder of Pachube.com and CEO of Connected Environments Ltd. He is co-author, with Matthew Fuller, of Situated Technologies Pamphlets 2: Urban Versioning System 1.0. His project “Natural Fuse” was one of five commissioned for the Architectural League exhibition, Toward the Sentient City.
Panel discussion with the presenters moderated by Mark Shepard
Mark Shepard is an artist, architect, and researcher whose post-disciplinary practice addresses new social spaces and signifying structures of contemporary network cultures. Shepard is co-organizer of the Situated Technologies Project and is co-author, with Adam Greenfield, of Situated Technologies Pamphlet 1: Urban Computing and Its Discontents. He was also curator of the exhibition Toward the Sentient City.
Deirdre Lord on making energy data accessible
Deirdre Lord, cofounder of The Megawatt Hour, on bringing transparency to utility bills.
Jesse LeCavalier on the spaces and invisible networks of logistics
Jesse LeCavalier, a member of Co + LeCavalier and an assistant professor of architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, traces the spaces and invisible networks that circulate goods, people, and resources created by logistics.
Interview: SITU Studio
The Brooklyn firm combines design, fabrication, and research to explore a broad range of spatial issues.