A Roadmap
Lizzie MacWillie, Kelsey Menzel, Jesse Miller, and Josué Ramirez suggest what is needed for Brownsville to flourish.
Taller de Permiso / Permission Workshop
ChristinaMaria Xochitlzihuatl Patiño Houle chronicles an initiative examining street vendor regulation.
Decolonizing Public Space to Reflect an Evolving Region
Artist collective Las Imaginistas reimagine public space, advocacy, and urban planning.
cdcb: A Unique Community Development Model
Nick Mitchell-Bennett and Edna Oceguera describe a holistic approach to financial well-being and affordable housing.
Planning the Infrastructure of the Digital Economy
Jordana Barton writes about the need to improve Brownsville’s digital infrastructure.
A Reflection on Gender Roles and Health
Dr. Dolly Sevier considers how culture and the built environment influence health outcomes.
Local Chronic Financial Illness
Zoraima Diaz-Pineda discusses the relationship between poverty and policy in Brownsville.
Challenging the Popular Narrative and Improving Health Outcomes in the Rio Grande Valley
Amanda Davé explores a community health initiative in the Rio Grande Valley.
The Threat of Fracked Gas Exports in the Rio Grande Valley
Bekah Hinojosa campaigns against the development of fracked gas pipelines and terminals.