American Roundtable Theme

Industrial Design

Neri&Hu lecture

A Current Work lecture from the Shanghai-based duo.

Video November 22, 2018

The making of RRRolling Stones

The League's Sarah Wesseler gives a behind-the-scenes look at the winner of the 2018 Folly/Function competition.

Article June 29, 2018

Worms, wimples, and wobbles

When is a chair not just a chair? The Architectural League's Antonio Huerta discusses notable entries to the 2018 Folly/Function competition, Seats.

Article May 9, 2018

Making HeartBeat

A look behind the scenes of the installation of the 2015 Times Square Valentine Heart.

December 12, 2017

Interview: SITU Studio

The Brooklyn firm combines design, fabrication, and research to explore a broad range of spatial issues.

Interview September 29, 2014

A Conversation with Rick Brooks

The League talks with a co-founder of Little Free Library, LTD about the origins of the idea and how it grew into an international movement

Interview July 22, 2013