Everything We Can
Low Design Office seeks opportunities to intervene in complex global systems.
Africatown: In Summary | The Spirit of Place
Renee Kemp-Rotan celebrates the promise of a unique American community with strong African roots.
Africatown’s Environment: The Race and Justice Narrative
Ramsey Sprague, Vickii Howell, and Renee Kemp-Rotan demand environmental justice for a community, long battered by industrial encroachment and pollution.
Cudjo Say I Cry | Health and Justice
Deborah G. Plant and Renee Kemp-Rotan explore systemic racism and generational trauma in the United States.
Racialization of Space and Spatialization of Race
Craig Wilkins and Renee Kemp-Rotan argue for an embrace of Black identity and design traditions in Africatown.
The Rubric | Engaging Descendants in the Interpretation of Africatown’s Historic Sites
How should sensitive historical sites and artifacts be interpreted? A recent initiative proposed best practices.
If We Can Save the Ship, We Can Save the Town
Renee Kemp-Rotan discusses how the history of Africatown, Alabama, could be a catalyst for cultural renewal and economic regeneration.
A Roadmap
Lizzie MacWillie, Kelsey Menzel, Jesse Miller, and Josué Ramirez suggest what is needed for Brownsville to flourish.
Taller de Permiso / Permission Workshop
ChristinaMaria Xochitlzihuatl Patiño Houle chronicles an initiative examining street vendor regulation.
Decolonizing Public Space to Reflect an Evolving Region
Artist collective Las Imaginistas reimagine public space, advocacy, and urban planning.