

Your support helps ensure that The Architectural League continues to explore new ideas in architecture and engage diverse audiences on major issues in the built environment and society.

Become a Member

Join a community dedicated to advancing the culture of architecture and urbanism, explore design in the life of New York City and beyond, and engage the critical issues that shape our built environment, our society, and our world.

League Circle and Council

Make a generous commitment to supporting the League’s activities at our highest level of membership by joining the League’s Circle & Council, a group of the most accomplished individuals and firms working in the built environment

President's Medal

The President’s Medal is the League’s highest honor, recognizing extraordinary achievements in architecture, urbanism, art, design, and the environment.

Beaux Arts Ball

Party at the Beaux Arts Ball, the premier annual gathering of New York’s architecture and design community

Program Sponsorship

Sponsor Architectural League program series and initiatives and signal your commitment to design excellence and innovation