Lizzie MacWillie
Q&A: Brownsville, Texas
An interview with report editors Lizzie MacWillie, Kelsey Menzel, Jesse Miller, and Josué Ramirez.
Brownsville Undercurrents, Texas
Editors Lizzie MacWillie, Jesse Miller, Josué Ramirez and report contributors Amanda Davé, Zoraima Diaz-Pineda, Edna Ledesma and ChristinaMaria Xochitlzihuatl Patiño Houle present the report Brownsville Undercurrents and discuss key themes and findings.
A Roadmap
Lizzie MacWillie, Kelsey Menzel, Jesse Miller, and Josué Ramirez suggest what is needed for Brownsville to flourish.
Brownsville Undercurrents
Lizzie MacWillie, Kelsey Menzel, Jesse Miller, and Josué Ramirez introduce the Rio Grande Valley’s vibrant communities and contested histories.
Understanding the Past/Documenting the Present/Imagining the Future
An introduction to the League’s American Roundtable project.