Along the Lumbee River, North Carolina

Editorial Team

Editors: Morgan Augillard, Noran Sanford, and Joey Swerdlin
Contributing Editors: Isadora Dannin and Kailin Jones
Researchers: Jonathon Brearley, Jola Idowu, and Emily Wisseman
Photographer: Andie Rea

Left to right: Morgan Augillard, Noran Sanford, Joey Swerdlin. Credits: Along the Lumbee River editorial team

Morgan Augillard is a designer and urban planner working in educational real estate development in New York City. 

Noran Sanford is the founder of GrowingChange and a native of Scotland County, North Carolina. Sanford is trained as a clinical social worker. 

Joey Swerdlin is an architectural designer who currently works as community director at Morpholio. He is based in New Haven. 

Isadora Dannin is currently pursuing a master’s degree in architecture at MIT.

Kailin Jones is currently pursuing a master’s degree in architecture at MIT.

Jonathon Brearley is currently pursuing a master’s degree in architecture at MIT.

Jola Idowu is currently pursuing a master’s degree in architecture at MIT.

Emily Wissemann is currently pursuing a master’s degree in architecture at MIT.

Augillard, Brearley, Dannin, Idowu, Jones, Swerdlin, and Wissemann are members of Group Project, a collective of former and current MIT students that has worked with nonprofit North Carolina-based youth organization GrowingChange for four years. 

Andie Rea is a North Carolina-based digital media creator. Rea is currently a Park Fellow at the University of North Carolina’s School of Media and Journalism and holds a creative foundation in a variety of digital mediums.