Editor: Ane González Lara

Photo courtesy of Ane González Lara

Ane González Lara is an assistant professor at Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture and the co-founder of Idyll Projects. González Lara previously taught at the University of New Mexico for three years and continues to split her time between Santa Fe and Brooklyn. Her professional work with Idyll Projects balances social and cultural concerns with extensive formal and material research. González Lara’s research interests include pedagogy as well as social and climate justice as they relate to the built environment. She is the co-editor of The Routledge Companion to Architectural Pedagogies of the Global South, forthcoming in summer 2021.


Working on this report in the midst of a pandemic has brought many challenges to the editor and contributors. The work would have not been possible without the patience, generosity, and insight of the contributors and friends who so wisely advised the editor in the preparation of this project. The assistance of Meryem Es Saoudi in editing and transcribing the video interviews is gratefully acknowledged. Thank you to The Architectural League and the American Roundtable jurors for this outstanding opportunity to use their platform to feature the stories, topics, and voices included in this report.