Design Study

Chat Travieso designs a Little Free Library

An open-source design for Little Free Library/NYC

Designer: Chat Travieso
Community Partner: Two Bridges Neighborhood Council

My work seeks to restore social bonds that are lacking in our public spaces through critical and poetic urban interventions. That is why The Little Free Libraries movement is especially inspiring for its dedication to the ideals of sharing and trust. In line with the movement’s commitment to sustainability, I am interested in repurposing overlooked objects and spaces in our existing built environment for this project. I believe Little Free Libraries are important because they are a catalyst to get people to think, both through reading and by participating in a system that challenges a culture of over-consumption and privatization.

Chat Travieso received a Master in Architecture from Yale University in 2010. Travieso is currently a set designer for Kwaidan, a multimedia opera installation, and a teaching artist at The Center for Urban Pedagogy.