
Making the Inclusive Museum

In a multidisciplinary symposium, designers and museum professionals consider museum spaces that embrace the needs of all visitors.


Team Player

For Janette Kim, wide-ranging collaborations provide opportunities to create a more equitable built environment.


J. Meejin Yoon: What’s the Matter?

The dean of the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning at Cornell University takes stock of the present moment to delve into how architects can build, create, and enable what matters.


All Together Now

Through its collective model and emphasis on discussion and debate, Citygroup seeks to move beyond business-as-usual design.


Taller de permiso

ChristinaMaria Xochitlzihuatl Patiño Houle explora una iniciativa que examina las regulaciones de vendedores ambulantes.


La imagen del agua

Las comunidades en ciudad de México afrontan grandes retos relacionados con el manejo del agua. Para Taller Capital, enfrentarse a estos problemas requiere tanto intervenciones culturales como físicas.
