Emerging Voices lectures: cao | perrot Studio & PRODUCTORA
cao | perrot Studio and PRODUCTORA
March 28, 2013
7:00 p.m.

(left) cao I perrot: Jardin des Hespérides, Quebec (right) PRODUCTORA: Casa Diaz, Valle de Bravo
Emerging Voices
cao | perrot Studio; PRODUCTORA
Andy Cao; Carlos Bedoya, Wonne Ickx, Victor Jaime, and Abel Perles
Moderated by Kate Orff
1.5 AIA and New York State CEUs
The fourth and final evening of the annual Emerging Voices lecture series, featuring cao | perrot Studio and PRODUCTORA. Emerging Voices spotlights individuals and firms based in the United States, Canada, or Mexico with distinct design voices and the potential to influence the disciplines of architecture, landscape design, and urbanism.
cao | perrot Studio, led by Andy Cao from Los Angeles (who will be speaking for the office) and Xavier Perrot from Paris, blends art and landscape to create dreamlike “hybrid environments.” For more on cao | perrot Studio, click here.
Mexico City’s PRODUCTORA, led by Carlos Bedoya, Wonne Ickx, Victor Jaime, and Abel Perles, creates architecture that seeks a single “gesture” often exploiting the tension between the partners’ personal interests and the conditions of site, context, program, and client. For more on PRODUCTORA, click here.
For additional information on all 2013 Emerging Voices, as well as the program in general, click here.
Moderator Kate Orff is a Partner and co-founder of Scape / Landscape Architecture and is a Vice President of the Architectural League of New York. She served on this year’s Emerging Voices committee.