138th Annual Meeting
The Architectural League cordially invites its members and friends to its 138th Annual Meeting
June 24, 2019
6:00 p.m.

Header image: Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice: New York, NY. © Simon Luethi / Courtesy of Ford Foundation.
The Architectural League cordially invites its members and friends to its 138th Annual Meeting, which will take place on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice. Please join us for a casual reception in advance of the program, as well as the opportunity to see the exhibition, Radical Love, at the Ford Foundation Gallery. Brief remarks and the official election of Officers and Directors will precede the inaugural Annual Meeting Address. The 2019 address, “Architecture and the Egalitarian Turn,” will be delivered by Milton S. F. Curry, Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Southern California. Following the address, a reception will conclude the evening.
Until 6:00 p.m. Pre-event viewing of Radical Love, Ford Foundation Gallery
6:00 p.m. Reception
6:30 p.m. Remarks and Election of Officers and Directors, Paul Lewis, President, The Architectural League and Rosalie Genevro, Executive Director, The Architectural League
6:45 p.m. Annual Meeting Address, “Architecture and the Egalitarian Turn,” Milton S.F. Curry, Dean and Professor at the University of Southern California School of Architecture
7:15 p.m. Reception continues
About the Annual Election of Officers and Directors
League members in good standing will receive an email with a link to cast their private ballot.
About the Annual Meeting Address
This year, the League will inaugurate a new feature of the annual meeting: a commissioned lecture by a leading figure in architectural practice, education, or theory who brings a distinctive point of view to the question of what can—and should—animate architectural discourse and production now.
About Milton S. F. Curry
Milton S. F. Curry is Dean and Professor at the University of Southern California School of Architecture, where he holds the Della & Harry MacDonald Dean’s Chair in Architecture. Since joining USC in July 2017, Curry has inaugurated an ambitious seven-year transformation of the school into an academic cultural institution training “citizen architects.” Milton Curry is recognized as a leading voice in integrating urbanism, cultural theory, race and class into the ongoing interrogation of modernism and modernity. His work addresses race as part of the project of modernity and thus interconnected to its philosophical and aesthetic underpinnings and imaginings.