July 14, 2021
Recorded on May 26, 2021.
Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America, at the Museum of Modern Art (February 27–May 31), elucidates, confronts, and transfigures the brutal social, physical, and architectural legacies of the systematic abuse and disenfranchisement of African American and African diaspora communities. Eleven commissioned projects envision ten cities across the United States and transformative spaces that galvanize Black life, from the kitchen and the front porch to the street and the spaceship.
Much of the initial curatorial work was to undo the conventions of exhibition making while also considering how architecture is conceived and produced. Enlisting an interdisciplinary advisory committee, the curators, Sean Anderson and Mabel O. Wilson, with curatorial assistant Arièle Dionne-Krosnick, developed multiple resources to counter the dearth of material in MoMA’s collections. The committee became both the exhibition’s archive while also acting as an invaluable guide for all of the participants as they conceptualized their projects.
Over the course of the exhibition’s development, ten of the exhibition participants formed the not-for-profit initiative, the Black Reconstruction Collective (BRC), intended to amplify “knowledge, production, and spatial practices by individuals and organizations that further the reconstruction projects” of the future. Combined with a Field Guide and an online course, the BRC and exhibition in turn galvanize professional and educational communities to ask, for and by whom is architecture imagined?
Sean Anderson is an associate curator in the Department of Architecture and Design at The Museum of Modern Art.
Arièle Dionne-Krosnick is a PhD student in architecture at McGill University in Montreal. She was a curatorial assistant in the Department of Architecture and Design at The Museum of Modern Art from 2016-2020.
Mabel O. Wilson is the Nancy and George E. Rupp Professor in Architecture and also a professor in African American and African Diaspora Studies at Columbia University, and the Director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies.
The conversation and Q&A was joined by Mpho Matsipa, who is the curator of African Mobilities, a multi-sited, transnational experimental research platform and curatorial project. She is a research fellow at WiSER and a senior lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Racialization of Space and Spatialization of Race
Craig Wilkins and Renee Kemp-Rotan argue for an embrace of Black identity and design traditions in Africatown.
Contested Ground: Design and the Politics of Memory
Jeanne Gang, Amanda Williams, and Mabel Wilson explore issues of public space, race, and cultural memory.
Everything can be architecture
Isabel Abascal and Alessandro Arienzo on designing buildings, exhibitions, and tattoos.