Climate change in the American mind
Part 2
October 2, 2013
On October 2, 2013, during the opening event of The Five Thousand Pound Life, Anthony Leiserowitz gave a talk framing the different ways in which Americans perceive the threat of climate change. He was joined in conversation by Kate Orff, Paul Lewis, and Dale Jamieson to discuss underlying values that are reflected in our various views of climate change, and the extent to which those views are based on cultural predispositions rather than scientific data. You can listen to Anthony’s original presentation here: Climate Change in the American Mind Part 1
Anthony Leiserowitz, Ph.D., is a research scientist at the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and Director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication. He is an expert on public opinion about climate change and the environment. His research investigates the psychological, cultural, and political factors that influence environmental attitudes, policy support, and behavior. He conducts research at the global, national, and local scales, including many surveys of the American public.
Dale Jamieson is professor of environmental studies and philosophy at New York University and author of the forthcoming Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle to Stop Climate Change Failed–and Why Our Choices Still Matter.
Paul Lewis is a principal of LTL Architects and a faculty member in the School of Architecture at Princeton University.
Landscape architect Kate Orff is a principal of SCAPE/Landscape Architecture and a faculty member in the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University. Their discussion will address how the diversity of our values and understandings of climate change affect our individual and collective capacity to act, and will draw out the significance of this spectrum of views for actions affecting the built environment.