Solo Venice

Manuela Demichelis offers glimpses of a tourist destination emptied by a global health crisis.

Shifting Ground was an open call for visual reports about how the events of 2020 and 2021 reconfigured our relationship with both public and private space. Select entries were posted on the League’s Instagram account.

Manuela Demichelis documented empty streets in Venice, Italy, during the pandemic.

She wrote:

My first trip after the COVID-19 outbreak was to Venice, Italy. Although the pandemic has taken a heavy toll on Italy, it has also provided a respite from over-tourism in many parts of the country. Walking freely through the typically congested streets of “the city of canals” made me think about domestic activities and encounters between neighbors during lockdown. COVID has given Venice’s inhabitants an opportunity to take back their city, even if only temporarily.


Manuela Demichelis

(@manudem) is an architect living in Mexico City.